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November 2009 Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday November 4, 2009 at Hawk’s Prairie Inn. Each member introduced themselves as well as their car(s). Minutes where approved with an amendment to the way Trogden was spelled in regards to our new members Marilyn and Will.

A brief report of the balances and incomes of the club accounts where given by Art. A detailed report is available and up to date on the club website.

The proposed internal audit was brought before the club for a vote as described to the club by Art Carter. The goal of the audit is to have a past treasurer, the current treasurer and a club member get together to go through the accounts, numbers, expenses and such to make sure everything is accounted for and that nothing is being misappropriated or forgotten with/without club member knowledge. The vote was seconded and put to a vote and passed. The first biannual audit will take place this year. George Swartz will be the past treasurer; Art Carter will be the current treasurer and Jason will be the club member to complete and report back to the club with the details.

NWACC – George Swartz
NWACC is over for season following the banquet on November 7, 2009.

NCM – George Schwartz
1 raffle left, drawing will be held on November 5th. .

HISTORIAN- Randy Harris
History is in the making! Pictures wanted!
SPONSORSHIP – Peggy Rogers
No new info.

SCHOLARSHIP – Cliff Reichel & Karen Johnson
We received the names of the scholarship recipients as well as thank you cards from all three thanking the club and it members for the opportunity we have helped them reach.

WEBSITE – Art Carter
Web site is up to date.

Don Portnoy and Kathy Simms where welcomed back into the club after being away from the club for a short period.

SUNSHINE – Fankie Sokso
No new info.

EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES – Josette Miller and Betsy Cousineau
The main events of the year have come to a close but there are a few more things the club can help out and or participate in.

* NWACC year end banquet November 7th.
* Olympia Downtown Holiday parade November 29th.
* Toys for Tots Run on December 5th
* CdeO Christmas party December 19 @ Panorama City in the Chambers House.

For up to date details refer to the club website to get up to date changes and contact info.
(Betsy will be stepping down as E&A chair member and Jon Cox is stepping up to help Josette for the remainder of the year.)  A huge thank you to Betsy for her time and devotion as an E&A chair.


There where several members who brought school supplies in to give to Peggy Rodgers for the children in the North Thurston School District. For those who forgot or have the donation Peggy has graciously allowed drops to be made at Heritage Bank on Sleater-Kinney in Lacey. She will take the gathered supplies and give them to the district office where they can disperse the items appropriately.


The member of the year vote will be at the December Christmas Party/Meeting so be thinking about your vote.


The 50/50 raffle winner responsible for bringing next month’s raffle prize is: Larry Weineger

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm

The next meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday December 19th at Chambers House.

Minutes submitted by Miranda Ries 2009 CdeO Secretary.

 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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