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HomeMM_2010.10 Minutes

October 13th Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm at Hawk’s Prairie Inn Restaurant in Lacey, followed by introductions. The meeting minutes from the September meeting were approved as published.

SCHOLARSHIP FUND – Karen Johnson & Mark Twardzicki
Karen announced that Mark was her new co-chair for the Scholarship Committee.   Karen introduced our guests, which included one advisor and three scholarship recipients from SPSCC. The recipients each spoke about how the scholarship was helping them to attend college, and what their automotive interests and goals for the future are.


Meagan reported that Larry was unable to attend the meeting due to an unexpected family emergency. Larry had given Meagan the total numbers from Vette Fest and she shared that information with the group. The total income from the show was: $1,294.00, with expenses of $652.00, for a total profit of $642.00. She also spoke about the raffle from which we made $502.00, plus the 50/50 cash drawing which brought in $190.00 after it was split. Then the recipient of the cash prize donated their $190.00 half back to the club for a total of $882.00. This money was earmarked for the scholarship fund. Total income for both the show and the raffle combined, minus expenses was $1,524.00.

Nothing new to report.

WEBSITE – Art Carter
Website has been updated and folks should be able to upload photos under  the user profile and they will now show up under the Club Event Photos section. For new members that are not aware, our club web page is:

NWACC – Jon Cox
Jon was not present at the last NWACC meeting, which took place on October 10th. The next meeting will be at the Year End Banquet which will take place in Portland on November 6th. He will report further on the banquet under Events & Activities.

HISTORIAN – Marilyn Trogden
Marilyn bought a new camera and got to use it at the last outing. She has uploaded several pictures to the internet site, and has also shared them on Facebook. Meagan will link her Facebook pictures to CdeO’s Facebook page. You can join CdeO’s Facebook page at

SPONSORSHIP – Peggy Rogers
Nothing new to report.

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES – Josette Miller
Josette shared info on our past events including some pictures. Our recent events were the Corvette & High Performance Open House, Capital City Vette Fest VII, the last NWACC Autocross, and a couple of tours and Homecoming parades for several local high schools. Larry spoke about the CHP show, and stated that next year will have something different, it will be a surprise. Meagan recapped on Capital City Vette Fest VII, and Josette stated that we had 76 cars registered, and the sun held out until the show was over.

Meagan spoke about the upcoming BSCC Ladies Only Autocross at Bremerton Motorsports Park, and provided a handout for those interested. This is scheduled for October 24th. She mentioned that she also sent the info out via email prior to the meeting for anyone that might be interested. This is a school setting, so there will be instructors for your runs. Guys are welcome to attend to help out.

Jon spoke about the upcoming NWACC Year End Banquet scheduled for November 6th. It will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Portland, and is hosted by Rose City Corvettes. They have a block of rooms available for that night at $49.00/room. The cost of the dinner is also being subsidized by NWACC and will only cost $25.00/person. He passed around registration forms and also stated that they are available on the web at This is a really fun event and we encourage as much participation as possible. You did not have to compete in show n’ shine or autocross during the year to attend this fun club event, it is open to all membership. Jon also spoke about the possibilities of taking a group train ride down to Portland together. He researched prices and shared them with the membership, and he can provide that info via email to the members upon request. If you are going to the banquet, please contact Meagan to coordinate a possible trip down together. You do not need to take your Corvette.

Josette shared that another driving event on our calendar is the Olympia Downtown Association Parade. This is scheduled for November 28th. More info and coordination of this event will be available at the November meeting.

Peggy shared that the club Christmas/Holiday Party is scheduled for December 4th. Please mark your calendars. It will take place at Chamber’s House Restaurant at Panorama City. The cost will be $23.00/person. We will be doing the gift exchange again this year. Please bring a gift (estimated at $15- $20) and wrap it and label either Male/Female/Unisex. The gift exchange is optional, but you will not be able to take a gift if you do not bring a gift. One gift per person. More info on this will be shared at the next meeting, and payment will be required for the dinner by November 18th.

Josette also shared with us that Dee Dahlke has invited us to her 65th Birthday Party on December 31st. Dee spoke about the invite and asked that all interested in attending RSVP to her so that she and Duncan can send out proper information and directions as well as alternate routes in case of road construction.

Josette also gave an update on her efforts to organize a night for the club to attend the Rutledge Haunted Corn Maze. The dates available were either October 22nd, or 29th. She stated that she had only received four replies to her email about it. Three of which were declines. She asked for a show of hands as to who might be interested. Only Jason and Meagan showed interest. Perhaps Jason, Meagan, and Steve can coordinate something on the side. If you are still interested in attending, please let Josette know, and she will coordinate.
Meagan shared that she had attended the North Thurston School District Board Meeting on October 5th, and shared the award that CdeO received for our generous backpack donations through Operation Backpack.


Meagan asked that if anyone was still interested in buying the vinyl CdeO stickers for their car, that they let her know at the end of the meeting. She will send out one last email asking for any other interested persons before she sends out the order. She also had several of the parade clings for sale, that Art brought in from our inventory. They were for sale at the end of the meeting for $6.00 each. That stock will be given to the treasurer, so if you missed the meeting and need a parade cling, please contact Larry.
Meagan also reminded everyone that there are still seven Capital City Vette Fest t-shirts for sale in various sizes. She announced that they could be purchased from Peggy at the end of the meeting. After the meeting any remaining t-shirts will be placed on sale at Corvette & High Performance. The cost of t- shirts is $16.00 each.


Larry J. shared that he recently attended the public hearing for re-zoning on the motorsports park that is trying to be built in Shelton. The Ridge Motorsports Park will include a 2.5 mile road course with great elevation changes to challenge cars and motorcycles, as well as a separately operating four-lane quarter mile drag strip, and likely space for autocrossing. He encouraged anyone interested to go out to their website at and express your verbal support under their “what you can do to help” tab, and “add your name to the list of supporters”.


Since our Treasurer was not present, we did not do a raffle this month. We saved the raffle prize for next month’s meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 10th, at 7:00 pm at Hawk’s Prairie Inn.
Meeting minutes taken and submitted by Meagan Renick, President.

 Thank you to our Gold sponsor . . .

Corvettes de Olympia is a Proud Member


of the

Northwest Association of Corvette Clubs 
and the

 National Corvette Museum



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